Ekal Canada
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of Canada (Ekal Canada) is a tax-exempt charity organization.
Donations are tax deductible and tax receipts will be provided. Ekal Vidyalaya will not use donor information for any commercial purpose or distribute to any commercial entity. It will be strictly used to communicate with the donor about Ekal activities in India where Ekal schools are operated. Ekal will make every effort to keep the identity of the donor anonymous should the donor request either by choosing anonymous on the online form.
Ekal Vidyalaya is able to maintain a CAD $1.37/day cost because it works with a low overhead budget and is supported by the villagers with whom it works. There are zero administrative costs or overheads. 100% of the proceeds from your donations go towards Ekal’s programs.
Ekal Canada helps run over 102,000 schools that educate 2.8 million children in rural, remote parts of India. Ekal Canada is a registered charity / non-profit organization engaged in the education of tribal, indigenous children in rural India and Nepal. It is the largest grassroots movement of its kind in the world.
Donate your vehicle to the Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of Canada to raise funds for us. Click here to find out more.